My sister Kendra, got married two weekends ago. She was beautiful, the food was amazing, we danced the night away and Jack made it down the aisle without a hitch! Overall a wonderful experience that I feel so blessed to have been apart of.
Jack in his dapper outfit complete with sign and the flower girl. And my shoes, aren't they cute!
Jack and our cousin "JAC"
Jack and our cousin "JAC"
Love this girl!
I wish I had more photos to share! As it was I didn't have my camera on me the whole night so I'm waiting to snitch photos from different family members and friends. Jack really did such a great job. His sign said "The Bride Is Coming" and the other side said "Please Rise". Justin walked him to the front of the aisle and I stepped out so he could see me, then he ran down the aisle with people standing as he passed. We couldn't have planned it better and I was so proud of our little man for playing his part so well. Now that the hustle and bustle of the wedding is over we have taken that energy and put it into working around the yard.
Our chickens are now laying eggs daily, so great! Although they do like to keep me on my toes by flying over their fence daily as well. They take turns so I never know who will come wandering into the yard! The garden is finally producing now as well, snap peas, zucchini's, and I even have some broccoli heads too. Jack tried our first cherry tomotato and loved it!
Work has been keeping us busy as well. Justin has been running windmill blades up the gorge daily, but that will be done Monday and I think he will be ready for the break. Last but not least here is a little video I got of Jus and Jack playing together. Love to you all and have a fabulous weekend!
cutest fam in the whole darn world! xo