Monday, August 23, 2010

Sweets for my sweet!

When you are pregnant people always want to know what strange cravings you have. I've heard of some crazy ones, cheetos with tapatio sauce and lemon, mushed bananas with peas and chili sauce, if that doesn't make your tummy curdle I don't know what will! However luckily for Justin I did not suffer from the frantic middle of the night need for a particular food item, well maybe just one. Sweets! Compared to the above cravings this one seems rather blasé though. Our freezer was well stocked with ice cream at all times in the last month of my pregnancy. I'm pretty sure Jack liked it as well because he was always jumping around in the evenings when it was time for some sweets! :)

Today I still love my bowl of ice cream, but I would trade it in for an alternative my sister introduced me too! VANILLA JILLS... just typing the name makes my mouth water! They have frozen yogurt, which is not only as tasty as any ice cream, it has less calories than premium ice cream! I recently had some of their Vanilla Bean with Lavender, so yummy. However, their Tart is also very good with some fresh fruit. If you ever are in Eugene on a hot day you definitely need to check them out.

Vanilla Bean with Lavender & Marrionberry with Chocolate Chips

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